Partition For Ubuntu On Mac
Recently, I got an issue with my OpenCore EFI partition on my Hackintosh system. I messed up the config.plist and it makes my macOS Catalina Hackintosh won’t boot properly. Fortunately, I have another hard drive with Windows 10 installed on it. So, I can edit my config.plist in the EFI partition and now it works again.
By default, you cannot see the macOS EFI partition from Windows Explorer, even if your macOS hard drive is connected to your PC. But, there is an easy way to mount the macOS EFI partition under Windows 10. I will show you how to do this in a moment.
Mount the EFI partition on Windows 10
Open Windows 10 command prompt as administrator. And then, run “diskpart” command.
- Additionally, I have tried install Ubuntu to an external drive for multiple times, but every time Mac would fail to boot into Ubuntu. Hence you need to split your macOS partition by opening Disk Utility, and install Ubuntu to Mac's internal hard drive thereafter (if you turn the FileVault on, you need to turn it off and let it finish decrypting.
- Once you have obtained the Ubuntu 20.04 desktop image, create a bootable media using Rufus tool.
Next, list the disk
If you're a Mac user, you may have already used Apple's Boot Camp to get Windows on your system for those must-have programs. With a fast new Ubuntu out, however, you might want to give it a try. 1.9 GB partition to hold the contents of the Ubuntu Desktop Live iso. This will allow you to replace Ubuntu Server with Ubuntu Desktop. 1 MiB Bios Boot Partition to hold GRUB boot code. 4 GiB Linux Swap Partition. This was chosen to be the same size as your RAM. The remaining space to be allocated for Ubuntu.
As you can see, I have 5 hard drives connected to my PC. In this case, my macOS/Hackintosh disk is Disk 3. Yours might be different. Now I will select disk 3
Ubuntu For Mac Download
Partition For Ubuntu On Mac Windows 10
As you can see, my Disk 3 is now the selected disk. Next, we will show the partitions in Disk 3.
As you can see, there are 4 partitions in Disk 3. In my case, the EFI partition is Partition 1. It is easy to know which one is the EFI partition. The EFI partition volume size is exactly 200 MB.
Now let’s mount the Partition 1 and assign drive letter to it.
Now, open Windows Explorer and you should see your EFI partition is mounted there.
Common Issue
In some cases, Windows 10 users cannot open the mounted EFI partition and got the error:
You don’t currently have permission to access this folder.
In case you get this error, I would recommend you to download Explorer ++ program and then run it as administrator. It can open the EFI folder perfectly without issue.